วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Allowing the Travel Dream

The travel business is incredible. It is filled with multiple opportunities to investigate on line. Look at the multitude of sites dedicated to travel on the web, in magazines, on television and or radio. Advertisers bombard us with their "Best Price!, Exotic locations and the hottest deals". When you travel, what are your main concerns? Is it the costs, or types of accommodations, or what can we do with the kids? Maybe your trip is for business travel, which has completely different concerns than vacations. Just to be in a financial position to actually get away for short or long periods of time these days may be a perk.

The economy dictates so much of the details a person has to consider if planning to travel. Businesses are re-thinking the associated costs of sending associates or sales teams out of the office vs. using new technology to conduct office web-conferences. But I am wanting to discuss mental vacations for this article. My question then is does the internet provide all of the necessary options?

By searching the web, the destinations are bountiful. Where in the United States can we go? Just a click and maybe it is skiing in Colorado or Utah; or golfing in Arizona or Florida; or the many parks and natural treasures throughout all the states can be invigorating. Maybe it is to site-see in South America or Australia; run on the Great Wall; tour the vineries of Portugal. Now that would be a fabulous trip to take. With technology today, one can 'see' these areas on the internet. The current economy makes this more of an option at this time.

The volatility of oil prices this year, which is less today due the supply being greater than demand, there are cost effective options to look at to possibly take some sort of trip. If you reside in the western portion of the United States, traveling to the Rocky Mountains for skiing is viable. The amount of snow at many resorts has been ahead of years past that powdered eyebrows and ice cycles dangling from one's nose, are truly in reach. Availability at most lodges can still be found even though it may take some researching. But that is what makes the internet so impressive.

Or maybe your idea of getting away would be a warmer climate. I know that the older I get, the more warmth I can be surrounded by, the less 'snap-like' the bones become. Weather in the Phoenix/Scottsdale (not to mention the current excitement for their beloved football team) is perfect for swinging those metal implements of frustration. Or Florida would be more practical due to your proximity. Can you imagine lounging on the beaches along the coast of Florida? With winter weather, imagining can be such a powerful mental exercise. Feeling the comfortable breezes crossing the tops of the ears, the grainy sands captivating your toes, and umbrella drinks that color the tongue. Can you just feel it?

Decisions, decisions.

So let's look at this for a moment. Every travel site I clicked upon had many interesting destinations. One of the places I would love to get to is Portugal. Watching the European Golf Tour, which has a few events there, has tingled the desire to visit. This area of the world just intrigues me. I went to Portugal online. What a trip! The scenes of traditional villages, narrow streets winding through vibrant cities, the expanse of vineyards scattered in the country. The views along the Atlantic with dramatic windswept cliffs and sun-drenched backdrops, it is one dream that I am aspiring for.

See how simple the mental imagery and the power of the internet can supplement actually making the trip? No, it's not like the real thing however, it does provide me the visionary motivation needed to plan a visit within two years.

Could a vision of a sunrise conjure up serenity by watching the unwrapping of those brilliant red rock vortexes that reach up from around Sedona, Arizona? The reflection of the reddish cliffs from the waters of Oak Creek at Red Rock Crossing can mysteriously energize the soul. This area truly has mystical sources of energy that previously could only be found on the prairies after enjoying peyote around the campfire.

Just a few mental exercises like these can plant a seed to plan a vacation so simple or outlandishly exotic. Would you be able to put one on your 2009 agenda? Why not! We are not getting any younger. Many places we want to see and experience, even before you begin to fill out a 'Bucket List , can be within reach provided a plan is formulated. Now would be a great time to begin the mental process by getting on-line to start researching ideas. This is the early stages of the planning process and provides the best time to fantasize about the exotics locations before wandering back to the practical.

Look for a trip you never thought of. The web can provide this type of entertainment as we deluge our fantasy of being at that far away place. Maybe our own little "Lost" adventure, only with umbrella drinks, doting pool boys or scantily clad bunnies, clean beaches, gentle ocean breezes with waves seducing us to sleep. Oh the dreamy thoughts one can conjure now. Allow your mind to wander. Go to places, mentally, that you have always dreamed about. By taking this first step, the mental vacation, the coming days, afternoons, or evenings of coming weeks may create a happier time. Because this is all about relaxing.

Now let us look at the coming year. Could there be a short trip in say, the near future, for anyone of us? Or maybe a shorter four day outing in the early summer. The ideas are abundant. To treat ourselves from time to time is necessary when most of what we hear or read is negative. Now with the 'hope' that has been touted for nearly two years and put in place this past January 20th, why not "HOPE" a vacation is in your future. Some would say that if we all spend a little more money, pumping it in to the economy, we might get things going again. "Hope springs eternal".

Most people believe they are not able to believe a vacation is possible. They are choosing to hold out for some period of time till things improve. Lets say that time may be on your side to plan a vacation. Time may be on your side to save and/or make the money needed to do so. If a second income could encourage a trip, a goal within reach, investigate any opportunity and achieve that goal. If your dream trip would be an ultimate goal, it could behoove you to research a multitude of opportunity, and you just may reach that dream much sooner.

An article by T R Adami
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